Aims & Scope |
LUMEN Proceedings started its activity in 2010, with the mission to provide professional publishing for scientific conferences.
LUMEN Proceedings is an open access, peer-reviewed series. Our main scope is to provide a research disseminating platform for the international scholars. LUMEN aims at promoting both interdisciplinary studies in social, humanistic and related sciences (economics, law, political sciences, ethics etc.) and scientific excellence, encouraging original researches worldwide.
LUMEN Proceedings topics include:
- Social Sciences | Sociology, Communication, Social Work, Anthropology
- Humanities | Applied Philosophy, Ethics – including Applied Ethics & Bioethics -, History, Religious Studies, Language, Arts & Architecture
- Education | Psychology, Educational Sciences, Sport
- Political Sciences | Politics, European Studies, International Relations
- Law | Public & Private Law
- Economics | Management, Marketing, Economy
- Public Health & Medical Humanities
and other transdisciplinary research areas.