The Students’ Pedagogical Practical Stage between Problems and Solutions
In strong relation to the multiplication of the roles of those who embrace a didactic career, their initial and lifelong training should be designed and implemented as a coherent and consistent approach, intended to form and develop all professional and transversal competencies necessary for a successful fulfilling of the teaching profession. One of the fundamental components of any psycho-pedagogical training programme dedicated to the teaching career is represented by the teaching training activity. All the actions related to this stage ensure, in a holistic and systemic manner, the necessary basis for the formation and development of the skills required to assume such a complex mission: to be a teacher. Starting from those premises, this paper tries to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis on the perceptions of the students who are preparing for the didactic career, on the one hand, and the perceptions of their teacher-mentors from the application schools in Dambovita County, on the other hand, concerning the multitude of aspects implied by the teacher training activity. Another purpose of this investigative approach is to identify some concrete methods to optimise the students’ teacher training, both from a macrostructural perspective, in terms of education policies and current teaching methods, and a microstructural perspective, according to the existing educational practices.
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