Considerations on Developing of Multiple Intelligences in the Context of Science Activities

  • Elena Ancuţa Santi Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania
  • Gabriel Gorghiu Valahia University, Târgovişte, Romania
Keywords: multiple intelligences, individualization of learning, science lessons, science activities, “School in Another Way”, IRRESISTIBLE project


Science lessons are the perfect framework for optimal development and valorization of multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner’s theory has opened new horizons concerning the understanding of the human mind, individualizing of teaching and streamline of learning. The creation of various educational contexts that respond to each student’s cognitive profile represents a requirement of the current quality education and contributes to the conscious assumption and proactive involvement of students in the learning process, as well as the transformation of the teacher’s role, from the leader of the lesson to learning facilitator.The traditional approaches related to science lessons involve the exploitation of certain types of intelligence, while the teaching act based on the exploitation of multiple intelligences contributes to the valorization of various types of intelligence in creative ways, supporting student uniqueness and personalized learning.The educational implications and the applications of the multiple intelligence model in the context of science teaching and learning represent aspects which have to be known by the teachers, who are requested to transpose them into the didactic work.

The purpose of this paper is to discover how students perceive the science lessons organized in non-formal contexts and to what extent those particular activities capitalize the cognitive profiles and various types of students’ intelligence. The students’ feedback was recorded during the non-formal activities organized in the frame of the Seventh Framework Programme Project “IRRESISTIBLE - Including Responsible Research and Innovation in Cutting Edge Science and Inquiry-based Science Education to Improve Teacher’s Ability of Bridging Learning Environments”, exploiting in this respect the opportunities created through the implementation of the national week dedicated to primary and secondary education: “School in Another Way: To Know More, To Be Better!”


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How to Cite
Santi, E. A., & Gorghiu, G. (2019). Considerations on Developing of Multiple Intelligences in the Context of Science Activities. LUMEN Proceedings, 7(1), 212-223.