The Need for an Integrative Approach of the Healthcare System

  • Constanţa Popescu Faculty of Economic Sciences, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Kakillioglu Gulay (Avci) Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Management, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: healthcare system, integration, organised action system, restructuring, efficiency


The healthcare system, as an organised action system, with its own organised action sub-systems, cannot carry out its tasks without the integration of healthcare services, which is a potential solution to counteract any dysfunctions that may occur when the system components act independently of each other. 


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How to Cite
Popescu, C., & Gulay (Avci), K. (2019). The Need for an Integrative Approach of the Healthcare System. LUMEN Proceedings, 8(1), 17-24.

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