Aspects and Particularities of the Manager in School Units

  • Ionica-Diana Pirvu (Mazilescu) Valahia University of Târgovişte, România
  • Gabriela Lazar (Soare) Valahia University of Târgovişte, România
Keywords: leader, success, school organizations, powers, need


 In the pre-university education institutions, each manager approaches his / her own style that he / she applies in his / her professional activity, and he / she can be the key to the success of the organization he / she is leading  Depending on the detailed knowledge of the legislation, the issues in each sector of activity, aligned with the attention paid to all the personal problems of the members of the organization, thereby demonstrating that "they care about them", but also by creating an environment within the organization, can stimulate and motivate the entire organization to achieve the target and the objectives proposed and even to achieve performance. Success in the organization can be determined by how the manager engages and acts, depending on the decisions he takes at certain key times.


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How to Cite
Pirvu (Mazilescu), I.-D., & Lazar (Soare), G. (2019). Aspects and Particularities of the Manager in School Units. LUMEN Proceedings, 8(1), 60-69.