Management of Change in the Context of the School Organization, Development and Adaptability

  • Timeea-Alexandra Simionescu (Savu) University ”Valahia” of Tȃrgoviṣte, Romania
Keywords: Management, school organization, education, change, society


Education is the main area in which a civilized country invests to ensure the sustainable development of society based on the transfer of knowledge. The correct education policies promoted by the state ensure technical and scientific progress in all socio-economic spheres.

This is a broad theme with multiple substrates, it aims at finding solutions, generating school success in changing environmental conditions, changes that will contribute to reforming the whole educational system and ensure its functionality and viability.

             Under the new challenges of the millennium, which are primarily global warming, food security of the planet's population, combating incurable diseases and those causing pandemics, modern states focus their efforts on solving these problems by supporting education and research - pillars of broadcasting knowledge, on the basis of which a civilized, democratic society can be built, generating ideas, technologies and solutions for the future.

            The Romanian society is in a process of change in which all economic, social, political, civic elements have experienced a new dynamic in trying to adapt to the present conditions. The importance of learning becomes more and more evident in Romanian society.

The education system must reflect the specific needs and traditions of education of the society it serves. The fundamental function is to provide the company with an adaptable, mobile and easy-to-use workforce able to apply the skills required by the local, regional and national labor market.


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How to Cite
Simionescu (Savu), T.-A. (2019). Management of Change in the Context of the School Organization, Development and Adaptability. LUMEN Proceedings, 8(1), 131-140.