Enterprise Performance through Synchronized Management Accounting

  • Rebeca Ioana Bostan University Valahia of Târgovişte, România
Keywords: management accounting, decision making, accounting tools


In the dynamics of modern society, it is necessary to implement methods of continuous improvement, as the traditional accounting tools currently used show their limits.

The modern management of any enterprise requires the establishment of a strategies that enable the enterprise to gain the benefits in the long run as a result of its action in a particular economic and social environment. Synchronized management accounting, developed by Goldratt, Ohno, Deming, and others is a philosophy of continuous system improvement. It refers in particular to continuous improvement methods, such as lean management and constraint theory. These tools and methods that compose them must not be opposed, but taken into account in a complementary manner. Does synchronized management accounting differ from traditional approaches for continuous improvement. Synchronous management methods, techniques, and tools apply in many areas of enterprise management to identify and influence elements that limit system performance, resulting in continuous performance improvements.

 The underlying hypothesis is that if all processes in an economic entity are improved and optimized, the system as a whole will have optimum performance. Unfortunately, this hypothesis ignores the effects of interdependencies, process linkages within an organization.

            The purpose of this scientific paper is to highlight the importance of synchronized management accounting. Using management accounting identifies and influences elements that limit system performance, resulting in continuous improvements in performance.


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How to Cite
Bostan, R. I. (2019). Enterprise Performance through Synchronized Management Accounting. LUMEN Proceedings, 8(1), 179-191. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.135