Impact of Demographic Changes on Economic and Social Life
In Romania, as in most European countries, there is a tendency of demographic aging. This trend is based on two essential causes: a constant increase in life expectancy at birth and a decrease in birth rates. The demographic aging phenomenon has both direct and indirect consequences on the short-, medium- and long-term economic and social life of economic growth. The process of replacing generations in active working groups with those under the age of 24 will be affected as a result of demographic imbalances. Increasing the share of the elderly population will directly lead to increased economic pressure on people in active age groups. The question is, "Can the reduction in the share of the active population in the total population be offset by a corresponding increase in productivity?" If such compensation is not feasible, the likelihood of imbalances in the long run is relatively high. These imbalances are not only of an economic nature but can affect well-being in all its aspects.
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