Access to Education for People with Special Needs in Algeria
This study aims to address the report of disabled children in school, a subject which has become in recent years a special concern and attracted education specialists’ attention and created an international debate related to the policy of taking in charge this category of children. Such a problem calls today to question about disabled children’s schooling in Algeria and the mechanisms of their inclusion at school. Many such questions are raised to serve the study’s objective as: do children with disabilities have access to education in our country? How can we accompany these children in school? Is their inclusion feasible after giving real hope to their parents? And what is the role of associations in this process? To respond to this series of questions, which refract well the aspect of inclusion in the Algerian actuality, we will proceed to a sociological reading of the statistics put forward by the Ministry of National Solidarity through its different structures in relation to the disabled children schooling. The aim will also be to show the state of the arts of takings such children in charge through diverse associations’ actions.
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