Evolution of Scientific Research in Higher Education of Physical Education and Sport in the Republic of Moldova through Doctoral Studies
The modernization of the higher education in the Republic of Moldova with a view to its integration into the Common European Area of Higher Education, its improvement at international level, the recognition of periods and study papers are important factors that have generated the development of higher education PhD studies in the physical education and sport, kinetotherapy and recreation. In Moldova the efficient organization and conduct of the research-development-innovation activity has become a key factor of progress. The importance and necessity of scientific research is reflected by the complexity of the economic activities of national economic agents which are under the strong influence of the international market and of the imperatives generated by the position of science as the main production force. Also, at national level and at the higher education institution of physical education and sport level, the strategy for the development of scientific research aims at maintaining dynamic and competitive knowledge-based studies capable of providing sustainable and lasting growth. In this context, the higher doctoral studies, the scientific results obtained at their completion and making the most of the scientific progress, have become an organic, dynamic and vital vocation for the unique higher education institution, unique from the Republic of Moldova.
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