Study on the Correction of Specific Technique by Exercising Swimming as Recreational Activity
In a society dominated by daily worries, stress and technology, the modern individual is trying to find solutions against the negative effects of the surrounding environment. Getting out of the comfort zone has become a constant pursuit, while the recreational dynamic activities involving are more and more sought. A special place within these activities is held by the aquatic ones which can be exercised by anyone, regardless if one knows how to swim or not. The most popular sports discipline, intended for those who know how to move through water with the help of their arms and legs, is the swimming, whose technique must be correctly exercised, with low energy input. This study is seeking to prove that young adults (two women of 28 and 30 years old) taking swimming lessons in their spare time are able to correct their swimming technique applied in their favorite routines, as well as strengthen and improve there routines. To this end, the subjects have taken two swimming lessons per week, for four months, during which time they have learned thoroughly two swimming routines – backstroke and breaststroke. Following this study, we have seen that the subjects tested have improved the floating technique and the swimming technique related to the above mentioned routines. Correcting the execution errors and strengthening the technique have required great efforts from the subjects, backed by an adequate drive and high trust in the coach.
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