The Effects of Circuit Training on Muscle Strength and Resistance
The circuit is a methodical procedure with highly efficient effects in the development of motor qualities, mainly strength and resistance. The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the efficiency of training in the circuit in the development of this motor quality. The sample within the research comprised 30 women aged 25-35 and who practiced 3 practices per week for 6 months. The independent variable included circuits for beginners (30” workout - 30” pause), circuits for middle level (45” workout - 30” pause) and circuits for advanced (50” workout - 30” pause). The tests applied concerned the strength and resistance of abdominal muscles, of the back, of the legs and of the arms. Findings. In the test for the strength and resistance of abdominal muscles, the values of the average and of standard deviation were 13.8 ±1.52 initially and 15.2 ±1.08 finally; concerning the strength and resistance of the back muscles, the values increased from 21.46 ±1.684 initially to 23.53 ±1.641 finally; in the strength and muscles of the legs, the values ranged between 14.86 ±1.767 initially and 16.80 ±1.473; in the strength and muscles of the arms, the values recorded an increase from 14.40±0.985 initially to 16.26 ±0.961 finally. The present research demonstrated that the use of circuit workout can improve the motor qualities of strength and it can also improve the motor qualities of strength and resistance, which confirms the purpose of the paper.
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