Organizational and Methodological Bases of the Long Term Training of Table Tennis Players
During a long period of time, in sports theory, it is argued that the success of any sport test with complex coordination depends first of all on technical and tactical training, with a gradual increase (depending on the age criterion) of the functional tasks’ complexity. In this respect, within tennis test, there is still a considerable potential to: improve the quality of technical and tactical training, including on a large scale, improve the pedagogical control system and turn it into a long-term reference point for all stages of the training; organize a system of incentives for increasing and keeping the group involved in this test in order to increase the dynamics of cognitive-motor activities. This potential should be capitalized. For table tennis, the quality improvement of technical and tactical training as well as the increase of the number of participants can be ensured by: improving the content, consistency and methodology of technical and tactical training; improving the pedagogical control system and turning it into a long-term reference point for all phases of training; organizing a system of incentives to increase and maintain the number of participants. The purpose of the activity is to increase the participations and achievement of the sporting results within the "table tennis" test due to the creation of a logical technical and tactical training system in the long run. This article highlights the aspects related to the formation of long-term technical and tactical training, maintenance of the same numerical group of participants for the "table tennis" test. Methods of research: analysis and generalization of literature data, interviewing, pedagogical experiments. The article presents the content of the long-term training tasks for table tennis players, taking into account the stages of training and advancement to additional levels during the initial technical training phase. The results of the competitive activity of the participants within the experiment demonstrated the effectiveness of this method. In the case of long-term training, it is impossible to overlook the issue of sport-cognitive motivation and to maintain the numerical group of pupils from sports schools. The research process has made possible to conclude that, in order to motivate sporting activities under the conditions of early specialization, it is necessary to diversify the sport tests, starting with the introduction of table tennis for the "children" category.
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