Rosenberg’s Questionnaire for Self-esteem Evaluation. Psychometric Considerations. Recalibration
Rosenberg’s Questionnaire [5] was elaborated for the global evaluation of self-esteem as a unifactorial construct. In the present research I have followed the actualization of the psychometric data of the scale, for the population of Romania, as well as the highlighting of some aspects concerning this one’s factorial structure. The last calibration of the questionnaire was made more than 20 years ago , Baban [1]. I have found, for general population, new values concerning the calibration limits as well as a bi-factorial structure of the items, already signaled in previous research, starting from 2002. I have found, also, differences concerning the standards between participants from the emerging-adult and adult categories. I have built up-to-date standards for the global as well as for the factorial score. The psychometric data have highlighted a good stability of the scale in the test-retest and a consistency good enough (α=0,836) which confirms the usage of the results for research as well as for individual evaluations. This research was made in the time period 2014 – 2018, on a representative sample. 413 participants from the general population of Romania, above 18 years old.
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