Three "Globalizations" in Different Forms: are They in Conflict with Each Other?
As paradoxical as it may seem, there is no longer a single globalization but three. In the 1970s, this international economic system, known as "globalization", was imposed in the world. It is the globalization we have lived with for fifty years, and it is a globalization at Western standards. The choice and promotion come from the United States, which had every reason to believe that they might lose their dominant position in the world, and that Japan or Europe will take their place. Obviously, it is impossible to know, now that this globalization seems to be on the decline, whether, without it, Europe or Japan would have finally dislodged the United States of their dominant position. This international system , emerging as new when it was not, has been accepted from one end of the world to the other, with great enthusiasm. And the reason for this enthusiasm was that it promised the end of crises, the increase of the prosperity, the insurance of benefits to the whole of the exchanges, but also the possibility for all the inhabitants of the Earth to improve their situation, thanks to new technologies. The negative consequences of globalization, which failed in all its initial promises, have afterwards made skeptics right.
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