The Role of Modern Languages in Enhancing Contribution of Romanian Cultural Tourism to Sustainable Development of the EU Economy

  • Irina Antoaneta Tanasescu Valahia University Targoviste
Keywords: cultural tourism, multilingualism, sustainable development


In the context of the EU concern to respect the richness of its cultural and linguistic diversity, Romania acts on developing its cultural inheritance and consistently pursues objective 4 (Education), objectives 8 and 12 (regarding tourism) of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development [10], [11]. Multilingualism encourages the intercultural dialogue and promotion of sustainable tourism, stimulates the exchange of ideas, creation and innovation, generates long-term jobs. In this study we will focus on highlighting the need and benefits of using tourism to capitalise on the vast Romanian cultural potential, relying on promoting a communication which should be better adapted to linguistic characteristics of groups and tourism destinations. The goal of the research is to identify the economic value of these processes, both the values outlined in the studies of some specialists within the European institutions and the good practices of some companies and organisations operating in culture and tourism as well as initiatives such as the initiative of “The European Institute for Cultural Itineraries”. The methodology used consists in comparing literature, European regulations and practical activities carried out within the EU to enhance the value of multilingualism and cultural features in the act of communication, as culture is the fundamental factor of the buying behaviour and consumerism in tourism. The research has led us to the following conclusions:

- The EU tourism market is built on the principle of economic intelligence, integrating and harnessing multilingualism and multiculturalism;

- All communication reforms should consider the cultural differences as markets and consumer’s behaviour are governed by characteristics of various segments of tourists;

- In economic terms, one should promote a certain type of multilingualism which should be an economic asset capable to enhance the European cultural inheritance, in compliance with requirements of the sustainable development.

Author Biography

Irina Antoaneta Tanasescu, Valahia University Targoviste

Assoc. Prof., Valahia University Targoviste, Romania


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How to Cite
Tanasescu, I. (2020). The Role of Modern Languages in Enhancing Contribution of Romanian Cultural Tourism to Sustainable Development of the EU Economy. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 51-62.