Promoting Valahia University of Targoviste Among High-school Pupils and Students

  • Maria Cristina Stefan Valahia University of Targoviste
  • Violeta Andreea Andreiana Valahia University of Targoviste
  • Dorin Iancu Valahia University of Targoviste
Keywords: university, students, promoting


In the context of a fierce competition between Romanian universities, due to the fact that many of high school students were unable to pass the baccalaureate exam, their lack of interest in continuing to study and the choice of students to migrate abroad, VUT tries to cope with the challenges and be one of the most famous universities in the South Muntenia Region. The first part of the lecture is represented by an analysis, based on the data from the internet, on sites like uefiscdi, capital, mediafax, valahia etc., the analysis is about following promoting strategies used in the prestigious international universities and identifying the local methods adopted by the universities from Romania. In the second part, two surveys were conducted to give the university “some useful tips” about how to attract students and master students in a great academic environment. The first survey was conducted among the students of the best five high schools in Târgovişte and we found out their requirements in the university choices they will choose, fundamental aspects in the preparation of a VUT student promotion plan. The second survey aimed to understand the reasons of why the students do not want to continue mater studies at VUT. The results were necessary for preparing a set of promoting actions of the VUT among students.

Author Biographies

Maria Cristina Stefan, Valahia University of Targoviste

Valahia University of Targoviste

Violeta Andreea Andreiana, Valahia University of Targoviste

Valahia University of Targoviste

Dorin Iancu, Valahia University of Targoviste

Valahia University of Targoviste


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How to Cite
Stefan, M. C., Andreiana, V., & Iancu, D. (2020). Promoting Valahia University of Targoviste Among High-school Pupils and Students. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 86-94.