Green Accounting - Pivot of Non-Financial Reporting
Lately we talk often about an expansion of financial reporting through the integration of environmental information in the financial statements. Environmental issues become essential for many companies and lots are becoming to include these aspects in their financial reports. Recognizing, evaluating and presenting these issues are the responsibility of management. Thus, is developed a new form of accounting - green accounting, or environmental accounting, as a link for the interaction between the environment and the economy. The objective principal of this research is to present the role that green accounting plays in developing non-financial reporting by identifying and assessing environmental costs and integrating them into reports published by economic entities. After Romania joined the European Union use and implementation the green accounting by national enterprises is increasingly evident. Environmental accounting or green accounting is as a necessary tool for substantiating decisions, is a system used to organize, manage and provide data and information for environment. We initiate the present scientific approach with a theoretical research in order to identify the main stages of the occurrence and the evolution of the environmental accounting. In the final part, we will present the involvement of international accounting organizations in the publication of environmental information, promoting the environmental balance as a form of publication the environmental information in international level.
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