Criminological Aspects of Violence against Women

  • Lavinia-Mihaela Vladila Valahia University of Targoviste
Keywords: violence against women, causes, effects, criminological aspects


Violence against women is one of the social and legal paradoxes of our times. Regardless of the social development and the cultural or religious edges, it is found, in all European states and in all social layers. The current study aims to discover the preponderances in the social environment in which we often see this obscure form of violence, descending from ancient times until nowadays. We aim to identify the preponderant age of the victims, but also of the aggressors, their occupation, the causes of the violence against women most often occurring between partners. Our study shall present some of the statistics, in fact poor, currently existing in Romania. Reducing violence against women by understanding its social mechanisms and by appropriate legal response is a way of social responsibility for each of us.

Author Biography

Lavinia-Mihaela Vladila, Valahia University of Targoviste

Faculty of Law and Administrative Science, Valahia University of Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania


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How to Cite
Vladila, L.-M. (2020). Criminological Aspects of Violence against Women. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 295-307.