Social Responsibility versus Managerial Performance as a Psychological Strategy in Human Resource Management

  • Laurentiu Baranga Valahia University of Targoviste
  • Simona-Maria Baranga C.N.I. ,,Matei Basarab”, Rm. Valcea
  • Vladimir Nitu U.S.A.M.V. Bucureşti, România
Keywords: responsibility, performance, motivation, psychology, recruitment


Staff recruitment, benefits systems, professional training programs, internal communication, health, employee safety, their involvement in community life and their attitude to the environment, stress management, change management - all get a new dimension if they are addressed from a double perspective of organizations that are aware of the social impact.   Over time, the concerns of psychologists and managers about explaining human behavior have given rise to a number of motivational theories. This paper presents 3 motivational theories which are considered more important, namely:

- the theory of content - emphasizes the specific factors that motivate employees as individuals. These individuals can originate in themselves, referring to certain necessities and aspirations; or they belong to the micro-context in which they operate, that is, the position they occupy;   

- the motivation process theory focuses on the dynamics of motivation, starting with the initial energizing of behaviors, continuing with the selection of alternatives and reaching the current effort. The process theory emphasizes psychological processes or forces that have an effect on motivation as well as on primary needs;

- the instrumental theory asserts that rewards or punishments serve as means to cause people to behave or act in different ways.

Author Biographies

Laurentiu Baranga, Valahia University of Targoviste

Professor PhD. “Valahia” University of Târgovişte, Romania

Simona-Maria Baranga, C.N.I. ,,Matei Basarab”, Rm. Valcea

Professor PhD. C.N.I. ,,Matei Basarab”, Rm. Vâlcea, Romania

Vladimir Nitu, U.S.A.M.V. Bucureşti, România

PhD student,  U.S.A.M.V. Bucureşti, România


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How to Cite
Baranga, L., Baranga, S.-M., & Nitu, V. (2020). Social Responsibility versus Managerial Performance as a Psychological Strategy in Human Resource Management. LUMEN Proceedings, 10, 308-316.