The "Techno-stress" Phenomenon and Its Consequences in the Modern Organization

  • Constanţa POPESCU Faculty of Economic Sciences, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Oana Mihaela ILIE Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Management, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
  • Georgiana Tatiana BONDAC Doctoral School of Economics and Humanities, Management, “Valahia” University of Targoviste, Romania
Keywords: management of NICTs, techno-stress


Due to the rapid development of NICT, our private and professional lives have fundamentally changed. By using mobile computing devices and computer networks, people have the ability to access information in real time, share information with colleagues, anytime, and anywhere. Thus, the use of NICT and technology dependence have led to the development of work-related stress called "techno-stress". This paper explores the phenomenon called "techno-stress" and analyzes the factors that cause stress by using NICT, the positive and negative aspects related to workplace stress, the NICT effects on end users, and possible measures to prevent it. The need for this study stems from the fact that technology will continue to advance, organizations will continually introduce new technologies to keep pace with market competition and employees can not avoid increasing their daily interactions with NICT. It is therefore recommended that the management of the modern organization and NICT professionals provide a better environment and adequate training programs.


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How to Cite
POPESCU, C., ILIE, O., & BONDAC, G. (2018). The "Techno-stress" Phenomenon and Its Consequences in the Modern Organization. LUMEN Proceedings, 4(1), 224-238.