Continentalisation: Balkan Peninsula Integrat’s Concept
The article is commenting the relation between Globalisation and Continentalisation. It states that a new direction for Europe is rethinking the continentalisation under the prism of the Balkan Peninsula EU integration process. This new direction we name re continentalisation. In Balkan Peninsula context, it means formation of a Pan Balkan states’ entity. In this regard, the article presents the idea of the Balkan Peninsula external integration process and its result – an integrat. We present some ideas about specific tools for conceptualising and developing of the integrat. The accents are put on matters as networking, the role of the universities in preparing integration development has oriented specialists/entrepreneneurs – namely strategic thinkers and visionary individuals. Some answers of the question “What have to be the next steps for BP integration process? Are given. Some ideas about Trans border integration axes and corridors as a tool are presented.
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