Development Strategy of Romanian vs. Norwegian Sport
Applying some realistic strategies inside an organization also has impact at macroeconomic level. Determining the growth of the obtained performances, therefore their contribution to the national budget will be clearly superior. Applying realistic strategies leads to the growth of general performances of national economy, reflected in the volume and the dynamics of the gross national product, the national income and the other macroeconomic indicators. The sport’s development strategies on the territory of the two analyzed countries: Romania and Norway, are designed differently, but they still have some common elements. The two countries have come up with strategic objectives that aim at developing the sport’s subsystems (sport for everyone, performance sport, sport for people with disabilities), but also at optimizing their related resources: research and development, human resources, material resources, and financial resources. The strategy is meant to capture the work of the organization and the politics regarding sport activities on all age segments and performance levels. Unlike the Romanian sport development strategy which was designed on the long term (2016-2032period), the Norwegian sport development strategy is thought for a shorter period of time, the lastone published was 4 years ago (2011-2015). The present article will present the two strategies and a comparative study.
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