Ecotourism in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
In the past years, tourism has been facing a constantly extension. The average annual growth rates has varied from 5 to 10%, making tourism one of the leading sector wich assure worldwide economic and development opportunities This ascending trend was also reflected on ecotourism and has been determined by the expanding desire of city people to go out in nature. These growing trends show us an expanding interest for ecotourism and a transformation of it, starting from a niche market and becoming a leading segment. Although, at the beginning, ecotourism has targeted tourists with experience and with a high level of education and income, now the target tourists have a very wide range of income, education, or travel experiences. The Danube Delta and, implicitly, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, represents one of the most significant tourist regions in Romania. Danube Delta is declared a UNESCO's natural heritage and it is considered by many people one of the most attractive tourist destinations of Europe, one of those places that must be visited at least once in a lifetime. The Status of the Danube Delta as protected area has led to a process of reorganization of tourism taking place on this area in the context of using sustainable natural resources and specially the landscape assets with minimal impact on the integrity of natural ecosystems.
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