Driving Sustainable Public Administration

  • Mauro Romanelli Parthenope University of Naples, Department of Business and Economics, Via G. Parisi, 13, 80132, Napoli, Italy
Keywords: sustainability, public administration, organization, human resources


Rediscovering sustainability as a source for developing strategic and organizational change helps drive public administration to proceed towards future by promoting the organizational dimension that relies on enhancing the quality of people as human resources, strengthening public managers as leaders and public servants as employees committed and motivated to public services. Sustainable public administration improves performances, supports public trust and enhances democratic life. Rediscovering the organizational dimension as a means to promote sustainability within public administration helps develop ethical and organizational culture within public administration and enables people to adopt new values, attitudes and behaviors. Developing sustainability within public administration relies on strengthening the behavioral and human dimension in order to enable both processes of change and advance ethics-oriented policies and initiatives within public organizations. Promoting an effective public management requires people able to behave as ethical and transformational leaders who motivate, support and drive the employees at work. Investing in human resources requires to develop education and training programs and policies that contribute to sustaining public service motivation and improving competences of employees who assume behaviors and adopt values in order to drive sustainable and ethical-oriented process of innovation and change within public administration as an organization that serves the public interest and contributes to value creation within community.

Author Biography

Mauro Romanelli, Parthenope University of Naples, Department of Business and Economics, Via G. Parisi, 13, 80132, Napoli, Italy

Assistant Professor of Organization studies at University of Naples Parthenope, Department of Business and Economics, Italy. He is member of academic and professional associations such as Egos, Euram, Irspm, Assioa, BS-Lab, ItAis, Icto.

He was visiting scholar at SNSPA, Faculty of Management in Bucharest, Romania. His research interests are: organizational change and human resource management within public administration and organizations, employment relationships, regulation and organization, ethics and organization within public administration; the role of information and communication technologies within public organizations and administration, parliaments, museums, big data, intellectual capital, cultural heritage and healthcare organizations: management, organization and governance aspects; hybrid organizations, social and rural entrepreneurship, urban innovation, smart and sustainable cities and communities social, economic and digital ecosystems, e-governance, e-government, e-healthcare, smart communities and knowledge sharing, ICTs for sustainable peace and value co-creation.


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How to Cite
Romanelli, M. (2020). Driving Sustainable Public Administration. LUMEN Proceedings, 11, 24-31. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc/gekos2020/04