Does Globalisation Promote Sustainable Development and an Equal Distribution of Income around the World? An Econometric and Ethical View

  • Olimpia Neagu "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania
Keywords: globalisation, sustainable development, income inequality, global ethics


The paper deals with the two ethical aspects related to globalisation impact on: (i) sustainable development and (ii) distribution on income in the world economy. Times series covering the period of 1990 to 2015 of statistical indicators reflecting globalisation, sustainable development and national income for 134 economies are explored. The methodology of the paper consists of a panel data analysis including as variables: the sustainable development index (SDI), the KOF index of globalisation. The standard deviation of GDP per capita in the 134 economies is calculated and analysed. The findings show a positive weak bi-directional link between globalisation and sustainable development accompanied with a worsening of income inequality in the examined period of time.

Author Biography

Olimpia Neagu, "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania

"Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad, Arad, Romania


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How to Cite
Neagu, O. (2020). Does Globalisation Promote Sustainable Development and an Equal Distribution of Income around the World? An Econometric and Ethical View. LUMEN Proceedings, 11, 56-64.