Applying Value Chain Analysis through the Lens of Sustainability to Enterprises in the Beekeeping Sector
Undoubtedly, organizations operate nowadays in a world characterized by complexity and uncertainty. Under these circumstances, an organization must ponder upon everything that is relevant to its strategic objectives, be it operational capabilities, key drivers exerting positive, respectively negative consequences, or other factors. Therefore, it must assess both its external and internal environment. Analysing and managing trends that might affect organizations’ performance will enable managers to make decisions and develop appropriate strategies. For the present paper, the internal environment of companies will serve as the general centre of interest of the conducted analysis, paying particular attention to Porter’s Value Chain Analysis. Nevertheless, in a business context in which sustainability is becoming increasingly important, more and more executives consider sustainability strategies necessary for maintaining their companies competitive, a fact which stands for beekeeping enterprises as well. Given the valuable contribution of the beekeeping sector to the ecosystem through pollination services, we may already consider beekeeping enterprises sustainable by default to a certain extent. However, there are still a number of shortcomings remaining that need clarification. The managerial challenges posed by what integrating sustainability in business means have led to an increasing attention given to its understanding and not only. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to bridge sustainability and beekeeping enterprises though the value chain analysis and provide an assessment from a strategic point of view. The results provide implications for the strategists, bringing them one step closer to formulating a strategy tailored to their firms that enhances the likelihood of gaining competitive advantage.
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