Stress Resistance as a Diminution Factor of Inclination to Addictive Behavior in Adolescents
The given work substantiates the idea, that the age of adolescence is characterized by emotional instability, weak stress resistance, personal immaturity, combined with the desire to be accepted by the others, the fact very often causing deviant and later on addictive forms of behavior. Taking into consideration the connection between the adolescent stress resistance and their inclination to addictive behavior we worked out and tested the program aimed at lowering the dependence index through the raise of stress resistance level in adolescents. The analysis of the data received showed that the majority of adolescents aged 13-15 demonstrate low level of stress resistance (62.2%). Girls are less stress resistant than boys (74, 4 % and 52, 7% respectively). The results of the method on revealing the dependence inclination showed that the most problematic are the 14 year old adolescents. Their index of food, alcohol, tv and computer dependence is the higher. Compared with girls, boys demonstrate greater behavioral dependences both on medium and high levels. The statistical analysis confirmed the connection between adolescent stress resistance and their inclination to addictive behavior. That made possible to work out and test the program (its principles and essence are stated in brief in the article) aimed at the raise of stress resistance level thus lowering the inclination to addictive behavior. The comparative analysis of the data received in the test and experimental groups before and after the program confirmed our assumption about the connection between two mentioned above variables and the efficiency of the intervention worked out by us and aimed at the lowering the level of the addictive behavior.
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