Implementation of the Integrated Management System for Quality – Food Safety – Development Strategy for the Dobrogea Tourism Service
Dobrogea is a place filled with beauty, tradition, and history, a place filled with significant potential regarding touristic services, potential which unfortunately is currently far from being reached. In order to be competitive on the national and international level, the tourism entrepreneurs in Dobrogea (the Constanta and Tulcea counties) should set as their main objectives the improvement of the quality of their touristic services, and the diversification of their offering. When referring to the quality of the touristic services, we focus on the quality of the services delivered by the touristic hospitality structures with lodgings, the quality of food services, and the quality of the services offered by all the other structures within this sector of the economy (travel agents, museums, transportation companies, commercial locations, etc.). At the same time, we note that tourism in Dobrogea is mainly seasonal, which leads to most investors hiring relatively low-skilled personnel, resulting in low quality services. Given the above, we aim to present and highlight several avenues for improvement of the touristic services’ quality, several development opportunities for the sector, focusing on ensuring the customers’ satisfaction.
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