Ethics in the Proliferation of Military Industry
The 21st century, ethics has become a much challenged concept. As globalization has turned the world into a connected trade platform, international business flourished. Like many industries, arm trading has evolved and is subject to major changes both qualitative and quantitative. How important are revenues in comparison to fueling regional conflicts? Ethics has become an important criterion through which we should regard arms trading as well. States are engaged in a rearing arms race labeling it as peacekeeping and thus generating instability and tensions. At which point commercial activities and political interests converge and to what extent ethic considerations are respected? The objective of the article is to outline the new architectural perspective of security and defense. Attempting to avoid future wars, the nations widen their power through the strengthening of the military forces. The increasing defense budget, the development of the military capabilities and the expenditures - weapons industry’s spending in the last decade contradict the states' allegations that they represent only proactive measures to face potential threats; for the defense walls must be built, not purchased cannons. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the major changes regarding national defense in today’s challenges. The cutting-edge technology developed in the name of resilience to the asymmetries in the theaters of operations (and not only) is transposed economically as larger acquisitions and budgets allocated for the security of nations. Moreover, in the military plan it consolidates the position of a state in the global polycentric reality, shifting the balance towards hard power.
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