Intellectual Development and Learning at Early Age. A Theoretical Perspective
The intellectual development at early agesoccupies large spaces in the specialized literature. However, there are many issues that have remained unknown or insufficiently explained. In this sense, the present paper aims to illustrate the relation between the characteristics of the child's intellectual development and the learning process at early ages. It is about a theoretical approach by which we have tried to argue the necessity of knowing these particularities of the child's development, as well as the imperative necessity to reconsider the formal learning process. The analysis of the experimental research in the field indicates the existence of clear correlations between the changes that take place at this stage in the architecture of the intellectual development and variables such as: the previous experiences the child had to face with, the quality of the socio-family environment, the parents’ educational level, the way the child plays, the degree of leadership of the game-based activities.Moreover, by its content, the paper aims to draw attention upon the importance and complexity of this issue and can be considered a good starting point for the experimental investigation of the changes taking place at the age of intellectual development.
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