The Influence of Sensory Stimuli on Improving Attention and Memory in Children
The stimulus is any variation of a factor in the environment that produces stimulation, or any factor that produces or evokes an action in a nerve, muscle, gland, or other excitable tissue, or determines the activation of a function or of a metabolic process (Moţet, D., 2010: 286). The child's psychological development is not done by itself, instinctively, but through two fundamental instruments: play and imitation. Play develops the psychological processes of direct and unmediated reflection of reality - the perception (by handling various objects, the child develops the perception of size, shape, color, weight, distance, etc.) and the representations, but also the intellectual mental processes, attention, memory, thought, imagination. The aim of this study was to observe, analyze and interpret the results recorded during the application of sensory stimuli to improve attention and memory in school children of 7-10 years old. The research was based on the following working hypothesis: presumably, by using sensory stimuli one can contribute to the improvement of attention and memory in children.
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