The Evolution of the Financial Sustainability of the Child Protection System at the Territorial Level in Bihor County between 2010-2016

  • Arpad SZARKA Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania
Keywords: child protection, social services, resources, financing, Bihor county


The development of the child protection system is part of the strategic policies of the Romanian Government and takes into account the financing of services and of complementary activities, as well as of the specific social services at the level of national and local authorities through involving the entire society.

The aim of the present paper is to present the system of social protection for children at the regional level in Bihor county by looking at its development in the period between the years 2010-2016 and also by looking at the specific characteristics which deal with the wide range of the provided social services, as well as the resources allocated for such services. The paper also discusses the social effects of the social protection system and the possibilities of improving the effectiveness of its financing.


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[15] *** HG 978 16/12/2015 Standard costs
How to Cite
SZARKA, A. (2018). The Evolution of the Financial Sustainability of the Child Protection System at the Territorial Level in Bihor County between 2010-2016. LUMEN Proceedings, 4(1), 286-298.