Effectiveness of Sportized Physical Education Based on the Correlation between Physical Qualities and Body Functions
Modern challenges require improving the system of youth physical education and providing young people with a wide choice of physical activities. The article deals with the practical provisions for improving the system of physical education designed for young males. The study is based on both systems theory and a synergy approach. It also reveals that certain physical qualities and body functions possess a significant correlation. Therefore, a targeted influence on dominating qualities may indirectly improve associated qualities. The authors propose a method for individualizing training in young males taking into account the correlations existing between physical and functional preparedness and paying special attention to the most developed physical qualities. The experimental group practiced physical education incompliance with basic principles of a PE academic program and extra-curriculum activities making a special emphasis on certain physical activities and the most developed physical qualities. The following activities were proposed to young males: “Team sports”, “Track-and-field athletics”,“Fitness aerobics”, “Sambo”. The study justifies the effectiveness of the PE programs developed in compliance with the correlations between physical qualities and body functions. The authors registered a significant improvement in flexibility, coordination, strength endurance, and speed-strength qualities in the experimental group during a 9-month experiment.
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