Practicing Sports in Romania at the School Level
One of the peculiarities of the physical education and sports education in Romania is the existence of the sportive sports education: Sports High Schools (which have classes beginning with the gymnasium cycle), sports classes (grades I-XII) in different schools (in particular in the theoretical schools) and the additional sports education represented by the Scholar Sports Clubs (CSS) and the Children's Palace (PC). The statistical analysis, carried out as a result of attempts to optimize the education of physical education and sports, has highlighted the fact that the most practiced sports are athletics (in all counties - 42), football (41), handball (41) followed by volleyball (34) and basketball (31). Having a very large area of distribution, we could call them national sports although national and international results are far from justifying the large amounts of money allocated. But here's a list of funded sports and "exotic" sports such as yachting and softball, baseball, hockey on the grass, ski jumping.
The last centralization requested by the Ministry of National Education (2015) resulted in a number of 70,102 sports students enrolled in both LPS and CSS. These students are enrolled in 2345 norms supported by 1937 titular teachers with specific specialty.
Although the number of athletes may seem high, it represents 2.19% of the total number of pupils in Romania (about 3.2 million).
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