Ways of Optimizing the Elementary Collective Attack Tactics by Using the Cooperative Learning Technique for the Girls' Basketball Team (U13)
This article is an excerpt from an experimental study which aimed at showing the practical use of the cooperative learning technique in the sports training session. The purpose of the research was focused on the need to find solutions to increase the efficiency of elementary collective tactics of attack by using the cooperative learning technique with the girls' basketball team (U 13) - Sports High School (L.P.S). Globally, the research program was focused on the initial and final testing of specific motricity (2016-2017 control tests/ season tests, according to RBF) and on the testing of elementary collective technical and tactical components of attack in women's basketball players in the U13 category by summarizing the observation forms. The tests proposed and performed by the players have completed the means used in the training sessions. The dynamics of the processed data highlights an evolution of the spostswomen' training recorded at the final tests in the 2016-2017 competition year. The obtained results confirm that the learning through cooperation technique can be used in the learning-consolidation stages for the assimilation of simple elementary tactical collective attack actions for basketball players from LPS Galaţi category U13 and thus the research hypothesis is confirmed. The learning through cooperation technique has also contributed to the formation of collaborative skills in players, during the game preparation and competition stages, but also the prerequisites of practising those social skills that will be needed later in one's personal life (family, career, etc.). This article summarizes a teaching model, comprising a theoretical presentation and the practical use of the learning through cooperation technique to acquire the elementary collective tactical combinations for attacking in the basketball game, in the U13 category.
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