Inclusive Education and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling of Pupils with Educational Risk from Disadvantaged Backgrounds

  • Mariana Constantinescu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Galati, Romania
Keywords: psycho-pedagogical counselling, school inclusion, disadvantaged educational environments, educational risk


The risk behaviours of pupils in disadvantaged environments have an influence on the pupils' personality, causing school, educational and social dysfunctions. An inclusive education program, motivational techniques and psycho-pedagogical counselling for students with educational risk from disadvantaged backgrounds provide some clarifications of the concepts: risk behaviours, school dropout, pupils with special needs, school inaction, school and social inclusion. Knowing these characteristics is a prerequisite for achieving an effective educational act, an intervention program tailored to the educational needs of the beneficiaries. The approach of these problems is practically-applicative, by offering psycho-pedagogical intervention techniques. This module / program focuses on the dimension of prevention of behavioural disorders, change, problem solving and personal development, using an educational model and development model. The psycho-pedagogical counselling, motivational techniques and supportive strategies are the practical premise of diminishing deviant behaviours and school inclusion. Case studies, programs and intervention plans realized by teachers who participated in the training program provide paradigms for the analysis and interpretation of risk situations and groups as well as patterns of action on them to achieve attitudinal and behavioural change in order to optimize the development of pupils' personality and reintegration into the school environment.


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How to Cite
Constantinescu, M. (2020). Inclusive Education and Psycho-Pedagogical Counseling of Pupils with Educational Risk from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. LUMEN Proceedings, 12, 107-116.