Models of Moral Education in Some Romanian Language and Literature Textbooks for Secondary School

  • Ana-Elena Costandache “Dunărea de Jos” University, Galaţi, Romania
Keywords: Education, literary text, textbook(s), moral value, literature


The contemporary Romanian society lays stress on the individuals’ problems, most specifically on the students who have to cope with the challenges of modern education, in both the home and school environment, in an attempt to gain an education according to relevant models of moral conduct.

Education and self-education are closely related to the individuals’ needs and willingness to become educated, through school (during the school years), family or media. The last one, however, attracts and distracts students more, as compared to books, which seem to be losing more and more ground and which should remain only a means of discovering one’s own identity.

Reading generally represents a means of discovering and becoming aware of language models used by certain writers and of written communication models which contribute significantly to the students’ shift from standardized, non-literary texts (which may be easily found in magazines, newspapers, etc.) to literary ones.

The present paper aims at bringing to the fore the importance of literary texts in the Romanian Language and Literature textbooks for secondary students from the point of view of the moral education models they provide.


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How to Cite
Costandache, A.-E. (2020). Models of Moral Education in Some Romanian Language and Literature Textbooks for Secondary School. LUMEN Proceedings, 12, 117-124.