Sociological Considerations on Social Inequalities and Disparity of Opportunities in Education

  • Gabriela-Violeta Iordăchiță Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Candidate., “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galați, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, The Training Department of the Teaching Staff
Keywords: social inequalities, disparity of opportunities in education, communism, development, merit-based society


The studies on inequalities in educational opportunities have been conducted along studies on social mobility, social class stratification and forming or studies concerned with the evolution of modern democracies. Our theoretical approach represents a critical analysis of the education system in order to identify state policies or common practices which do not lead to a better operation of the state itself. Our goal is that of identifying such aspects and introduce them on the public agenda in order to create remedial public policies.    

Conclusions show that a decrease of income inequality distribution among social classes and a democratic, merit-based political system which is not subjected to legislation or procedure changes at short times would increase equity and social cohesion of a society, thus creating better work and life opportunities for a larger number of people.



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How to Cite
Iordăchiță, G.-V. (2020). Sociological Considerations on Social Inequalities and Disparity of Opportunities in Education. LUMEN Proceedings, 12, 160-168.