Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Different Methodologies to Improve the Forehand and the Backhand to Tennis Players at the Age of 7-9 Years

  • Petronel-Cristian Moisescu Universitatea „Dunărea de jos” din Galați, România
  • Răzvan-Marian Bucătaru Universitatea „Dunărea de jos” din Galați, România
Keywords: tennis 10s, tactical training, training methods


In classic tennis, learning process has been running for several years, being a long activity, the volume of skills and knowledge acquisition running for a longer period(6-8 years). Then,depending on the progress and differences between the children, their preparation will be individualized. Tennis 10s is a program that was created and implemented by the international tennis federation(ITF) in the early 2000s,as an integrated part of a campaign named „Tennis Play and Stay”, officially launched in February 2007,aiming to increase the practice of tennis all over the world. In the last period tennis has become more popular in Romania due to the exceptional international result of the athletes representing this sport. An important role is played by the integration of modern training methods,borrowed from abroad, in Romanian tennis clubs. Practically, coaches from Romania adopt the classical training methodology, the training methodology from”tennis 10s” or a mixture between them. Through this work I want to see by what method of training tactics are develop more pronounced, at 7-9 years-old tennis players, from the point of view of direction and amplitude in forehand and backhand. At the same time, through applied tests I will also discover if there are any substantial differences in the motion technique caused by balls having a different inner pressure.


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How to Cite
Moisescu, P.-C., & Bucătaru, R.-M. (2020). Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Different Methodologies to Improve the Forehand and the Backhand to Tennis Players at the Age of 7-9 Years. LUMEN Proceedings, 12, 252-263.