Experiment on Minivolleyball Training Optimization Through Technique-Correcting Systems

  • Carmen Pârvu Dunărea de Jos University of Galați
Keywords: Acquisition, correction, optimization acquisition, volleyball, corrective systems


The present research deals with the importance of using correcting systems in sports training, also tackling some regulations that are sometimes inconsistent with the real potential of the players, or the game requirements for the next level.

The paper evinces by means of an experiment the need to introduce 4 corrective systems for optimising the technique used in minivolleyball groups. The regulations on the obligatory 3 hits in the team’s own court raise many training problems both for coaches and young players who, in addition to consolidating technical elements and procedures, also have to work on accuracy as early as the minivolleyball level. The systems used are mechanical, easy to manufacture, are relatively inexpensive, but prove to be very helpful in the young players’ motor learning according to today’s requirements in this sporting field. The idea of conceiving such mechanical systems started from the study of the commonest technical mistakes found in practice. The subjects under study are athletes registered at the Arcada Sports Club Galați, where I work as a coach, who are boys between 7-10 years of age, and improved their executions by means of these technique-correcting systems during the training sessions. The results obtained in the final test allow us to believe that the use of these corrective systems in training may prepare the young players more effectively, making them more capable of  facing the new regulations.


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How to Cite
Pârvu, C. (2020). Experiment on Minivolleyball Training Optimization Through Technique-Correcting Systems. LUMEN Proceedings, 12, 294-301. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc/sec-iasr2019/31