Integrating Risk Management Into Decision Making

  • Florin Boghean University Stefan cel Mare ,Suceava, Romania
Keywords: risk management, corporate governance, decision-making process


The main forms of risk are can be grouped in eight categories: economical risks, financial risks, commercial risks, manufacturing risks, political risks, social risks, juridical risks, natural risks. Through its nature the decision is referring to the future, mainly being provisional. In any decisional process developed at the company level, there are involved in the same time some economical, techniques, juridical, human and managerial variables. As a consequence of the decision (generally) and of managerial decision (particularly), because of its complexity and its contextual deter in its growth there are associated many risks.



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How to Cite
Boghean, F. (2020). Integrating Risk Management Into Decision Making. LUMEN Proceedings, 13, 105-114.