Are Romanian Employees Satisfied with their Jobs and with the Performance Evaluation Process? An Empirical Analysis based on Gender Differences
The paper aims to identify the degree of satisfaction of Romanian employees highlighting the most important motivating factors and also to analyse the satisfaction related to the performance evaluation process using the results of an empirical research based on gender differences for a sample of 301 employees from micro, small, medium and also large companies.
The main research questions of the study are: there are some significant differences regarding the employees’ satisfaction and its main determinants-the gender role? What about the differences among Romanian employees regarding the perceptions about the performance evaluation process?
In order to respond to these questions, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney) were used.
The empirical results revealed that if most of the employees declared to be somehow satisfied with their jobs, they tend to be also satisfied with their salaries, this factor being also the least a short-term motivating factor. At the opposite side, workplace comfort, bonuses and workplace stability were considered to be the most important factors in the process of achieving motivation of Romanian employees.
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