A Pragmatic Approach towards the Presidential Address for the New Year

  • Valentina CIUMACENCO Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), Chisinau
Keywords: presidential address, discourse analysis, argumentation, discursive structure, modality


This paper outlines the distinctive attributes of some presidential addresses offered on the occasion of New Year’s Eve. The article contains both theoretical and empirical parts. First we enumerate a number of general aspects that are characteristic to any political speech broadly speaking, then we contrast these with the results obtained from our discourses analysis applied to Romanian and Moldovan presidential speeches. A special focus has been placed on the argumentative structure, lexical traits, and the use of various types of modalization/modulation.


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How to Cite
CIUMACENCO, V. (2018). A Pragmatic Approach towards the Presidential Address for the New Year. LUMEN Proceedings, 3, 136-152. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.nashs2017.12