Economic Laws, Necessities or Obstacles for Growing Companies?

  • Valentin Calinovici PhD student, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Economic laws, company, development, long-term vision, framework


The objective of this paper is to discuss about economic laws in relation with companies development. They surely exist in every country, in different manners. It is important to understand if they are really important in the process of developing a company, or they are simply obstacles. In 2001, Enron was recording the biggest bankruptcy, at that moment, in the USA history. Soon after that, Sarbanes-Oxley Law was implemented very quickly for all the companies in USA. The purpose of the law was to avoid another similar case of Enron to happen in the American economy.

But was that fair for all other thousands of companies from SUA to be obliged to pay for the implementation of such a drastic law? Up until this law exists, most of them had a good trajectory of development, not to mention that they were ethical and legal in procedures. It is important for a company to have laws created by the state in order to have a good development? Where is the liberty offered by the state to companies in order to develop in a libertarian manner? Is there any? In this project I want to discuss about the importance of the Sarbanes-Oxley law in SUA based on empirical data collected from different books and specialist analysis. The aim of this paper is to emphasize the importance of the economic laws for the life of a company in a long term vision. In particular, I will argue that the economic laws can be considered obstacles and necessities.


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How to Cite
Calinovici, V. (2018). Economic Laws, Necessities or Obstacles for Growing Companies?. LUMEN Proceedings, 5(1), 49-57.