Athletes Personality and Psychological Dimensions

  • Teodora DOMINTEANU Professor PhD., Academy of Economic Studies, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: personality, athletes, temperament types, performance


The psychology of physical culture and sports highlights contemporary claims that there is a correlation between personality and model athlete model society among economic, cultural, social and attitudes of character and athletic ability. Understanding personality sportsman as a product of interaction with the environment but also as a system of values which allow the trading athlete to impose and contribute creatively to its development opposes both exaggerated the role of heredity in defining the personality of the athlete, and the attempts to reduce the level determining personality traits of behavior. Temperamental peculiarities sportsman is an important prerequisite for the formation of sports. There aren't temperaments favorable or unfavorable, because each type of temperament has positive aspects and without to orient ourselves towards change temperamental traits less favorable (which is impossible, because of their hereditary) effectively monetise traits of temperament and level negatives. To this end, physical culture and sports psychology studies the ways of influencing humanly favorable in terms of bio-psycho-social attitudes and using a systematic exercise and sports. Thus, by studying sporty highlights the influence of sports on mental qualities in athletes, are specific mental peculiarities and formative forms and characteristics of sport.


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How to Cite
DOMINTEANU, T. (2018). Athletes Personality and Psychological Dimensions. LUMEN Proceedings, 3, 198-210.