The Role of the Formative Dancesport of the Extracurricular Activities in Gymnasium

  • Veronica MINDRESCU Transilvania University of Braşov, Faculty of Phyisical Education and Mountain Sports, Braşov, Romania.
Keywords: dancesport, psychomotrical development, motor coordination, motrical expressiveness, the sense of rhythm


The main purpose has consisted in the selection of the most effective means of specific dancing with a view to the development of coordination, tangible expressiveness and a matter of emotions to pupils in gymnasium. Methods: the study consisted of 2 groups of 24 students: experiment group mean SD ± 11.15±1.91; control group mean SD ± 11.43 ± 1.87. The research was carried out in the school year 2015-2016, in the course of extracurricular activities and included the 2 tests: Initial and final, 2 samples: complex exercise of the  body coordination on the music in 16 steps; line combinations of movements on a piece of music. The results have been processed statistical SPPS20.: mean, standard deviation, t- Student test, p<0.05. Results. Compared with a control group, top progress achieved by the group which the subjects were experiment to test for coordinating on the music 16 steps, it was 1.420 points pvalue 0.000. The progress made by the students in the experiment group, compared with a control group to test the combinations of dance moves on a piece of music was 1.661 points, pvalue 0.000. Conclusion: the results of the research confirms that the development of the coordination of the motive power, tangible expressiveness and the formation of dancesport can be achieved in an efficient manner within the framework of the extracurricular activities through specific means of dancesport concordance, with the special notes on the psychomotricity of the students.


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How to Cite
MINDRESCU, V. (2018). The Role of the Formative Dancesport of the Extracurricular Activities in Gymnasium. LUMEN Proceedings, 3, 283-293.