Analysis of Physical Training Influence on the Technical Execution of Yurchenko Handspring Vault

  • Vladimir POTOP Ecological University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania
  • Sanda TOMA URICHIANU Ecological University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Handspring vault, biomechanics, physical training, correlation, performance


This paper is intended to show the influence of the specific physical training on the technical execution of Yurchenko handspring vault at junior gymnasts aged 12 to 15 years. A number of 7 tests of motricity were used in this study: 3 tests for strength-speed of lower and upper limbs, 3 tests for complex, abdominal and back muscles strength and 1 test of specific endurance. The biomechanical analysis was carried out by means of Physics ToolKit program and movement postural orientation method, monitoring the key elements of the sports technique of Yurchenko handspring vault. The results of the study reveal the level of specific physical training of the junior gymnasts aged 12-15 years, the kinematic and dynamic analysis of sports technique key elements in terms of body segments trajectories, angular speeds and force momentum in Yurchenko handspring vault; there is also shown the dynamics of sports performances achieved in competitions. Also, the assessment of the specific physical training consistent with the biomechanical analysis of sports technique in Yurchenko handspring vault at junior gymnasts aged 12 to 15 years prove their influence on the technical training and the performances achieved in competition


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How to Cite
POTOP, V., & TOMA URICHIANU, S. (2018). Analysis of Physical Training Influence on the Technical Execution of Yurchenko Handspring Vault. LUMEN Proceedings, 3, 392-403.