The Relevance of Obtaining Performance at the Age of 6-7 Years at the Expense to Maximize the Potential at Junior Swimming

  • Amelia Elena STAN Doctor of science in Physical Training and Sport, Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania,
Keywords: swimming, correlation, prediction, technical training, performance


There is a tendency in our time to believe that the involvement of the child from early age in specialized training methods for competitions is suitable for swimmers, while their level of prediction is weak. For this reason, we try statistical reasoning and logic recurring resulting therefrom. If the values designation and significance correlation allows a close link between control trials: the number of sportsmen and sportswomen and times obtained in tops the leaderboard at the municipal level at the age of 6-7 years on contest and evolution and results to junior level I. The results obtained from control trials were determined to what extent the level of preparedness in children is relevant in predicting a diagnostic result in competitive level or training to junior. By studying the evolution of the road map until junior level is found that printing a rapid pace in the preparation fot the results in addition of lost satisfaction athlete to lower competition time before the age junior and actual loss of energy resources for improving sports performance in competition. In management training to high performance and eliminating inadequate general physical training and waiving specific means unconnected with the age would lead to energy savings for recovery, and certainly improve athletic performance in future competitions. Another argument is economic reasons: these emphasize the fact that what should be confined to the sports ground until the pubertal selection for high performance swimming is actually promoting sports clubs and particularly private clubs. The state established clubs still maintain a certain level of moral discipline of preparing children in the sport.


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How to Cite
STAN, A. E. (2018). The Relevance of Obtaining Performance at the Age of 6-7 Years at the Expense to Maximize the Potential at Junior Swimming. LUMEN Proceedings, 3, 459-471.