The Model of the Middle Blocker in Volleyball
Finding a center-of-play game model that adapts to the objective reality of the volleyball game leads to determining the content and effectiveness of its game action. The hypothesis of this research is based on the need to model the game, which develops according to certain fundamental characteristics, based on the demand and efficiency of the gaming activities, printed by the training model, the game content model and the efficiency of the skills team members, in special middle blocker model.
There have been a few tasks off our research literature including information on the state of knowledge on the chosen topic, gathering information and data on game content in zone 3, in terms of weight and overall efficiency of game actions and for the two structures, analysis of results, their interpretation and separation of the most important conclusions of the theoretical and practical, which can be helpful in charge of training specialists.
Mathematical processing of data from records is preferable to meet international standards developed by the FIVB, so we can relate to them (summarized by M. Serban, 1998 and 1999).
The methods used in research were the method of documentation; the method of observation and registration; modeling method; the statistical and mathematical method of data recording and processing.
Research conclusions have been systemized on issues that were derived from the general hypothesis of the study.
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